Michael Maynez


About Michael ...
Movie and Theatre Scans - Index


50 years of directing theatre or as Michael is prone to say "Stayed too long at the Faire." Michael resides just a few steps from the pier in Ventura California. Nestled between the mountains and the Pacific Ocean affording a wonderful view of the Channel Islands, Ventura is but an hour's drive up the coast from Hollywood.

Michael's Sunday morning torta breakfast is legendary. The table talk seldom drifts far from the theatrical. Whether you like it with jalapeños or plain vanilla, you are sure to enjoy his lively conversations.

Michael's passion is the theatre. When he is not in his director's chair you will find him screening the latest movie or on one of his frequent trips to his favorite theatre districts in New York or London. Always interested in enjoying that little gem, he loves to frequent the small theatres and movie houses.

It's all in how the ingredients come together. So step on the Merry-Go-Round, pick your favorite animal and enjoy the ride. The view is great as long as you don't get dizzy. The calliope is piping the music (don't they ever change that song) and the smell of cotton candy is mixed with the sea breeze.

What was that again? Speak Up. No reason to be bashful around here. Would you like to be intimately involved or slightly detached?

To contact Michael send e-mail to mmaynez@aol.com
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Web Site by Alan Case acase@casenet.com
Updated Friday 7 November 1997